Slimquick Pure Review: Does it Help Lose Weight?

• Highly rated
• Competitively priced
• Popular natural weight loss ingredients
• Doesn't work for everyone
• Results may be minimal without lifestyle changes
• Possible side effects include upset stomach and insomnia
Slimquick Pure is an over the counter natural weight loss supplement. It contains an array of standard ingredients, although this particular product line seems to garner mostly positive reviews. Competitively priced, it may be worth a look for most consumers.
Slimquick Pure
Slimquick Pure is a line of natural weight loss supplements.
Claims & Features
- Lose 3x the weight
- Natural ingredients
- Includes Antioxidants, calcium, Vitamin D, Green Tea
- Separate products specially designed for men and women
- Increases metabolism
- Reduces appetite
- Boosts energy
- Reduces excess water
Cost & Availability
There are a number of Slimquick Pure products, which can most conveniently be found in retailers such as Walmart and Target.
The current lineup of products includes:
- Slimquick Pure Extra Strength
- Slimquick Pure Protein
- Slimquick Pure Men
- Slimquick Pure Extra Strength (Mixed Berry)
- Slimquick Pure Regular Strength
- Slimquick Pure Extra Strength Gummies
- Slimquick Pure Caffeine Free
The cost ranges from $20-$40, depending on the product and retailer. We have seen some as low as $16, so it pays to shop around.
Slimquick Pure products contain several vitamins and minerals (D, K, B6, Folic Acid, B12, Calcium) along with its Slimquick Complex which includes green tea extract, caffeine, rhodiola, capsicum extract, and chaste tree extract.
Slimquick Pure Commercial
The TV commercial below has been airing as of September 2015, and is primarily marketed toward women..
Slimquick Pure Reviews
Slimquick Pure is one of untold numbers of natural weight loss supplements which make bold claims about its ability to help shed pounds. A look at the ingredients above yields a rather standard list of weight loss ingredients found in many other supplements. While green tea, rhodiola, and capsicum have been indicated as possible enhancements to weight loss, their role could be seen as minimal compared to the pillars of weight loss: diet and exercise.
That said, Slimquick Pure products seem to have a respectable rating around the internet, averaging around a 3.5 star rating, culled across multiple sites. The minority of consumers state that it does nothing at all, while a definite majority have claimed that they were able to lost additional weight with this line of products.
The product itself is competitively priced compared to some other higher-end natural weight loss products, so if this is the route you are planning to take, Slimquick Pure should probably be on your short list.
Side effects have been minimally reported, and tend to concentrate on upset stomach or nausea. Taking it with food (as indicated) should help lessen this side effect. Those sensitive to caffeine may also want to take that ingredient into consideration. Due to its caffeine content, Slimquick Pure could cause insomnia if taken too close to bedtime.
Studies cited by the Slimquick Pure website only studied overweight women who took the product over 13 weeks. It isn’t clear if this product will be as effective on those who are not considered overweight, but simply want to shed a few pounds.
Epic Conclusion
Slimquick Pure is an over the counter natural weight loss supplement. It contains an array of standard ingredients, although this particular product line seems to garner mostly positive reviews. Competitively priced, it may be worth a look for most consumers.
If you’ve used Slimquick Pure, please give it a star rating and comment below.